„Meinst du nicht, dass die Querstreifen mich etwas dick wirken lassen?“
Die Querstreifen sind aber nicht für deine Blutfettwerte verantwortlich.
Well my son wanted to work out and started drinking gainer shakes incessantly a few weeks ago so he wouldn't be such a leek. Well a few muscles he got, but ...
"Somehow the tables got smaller during the vacations - or is that how I grew?" The only thing that has grown is your belly!
"My mother thinks I'll be bursting by the time I finish my apprenticeship. But my four-hundredweight boss, with whom I eat and drink beer, always finds me more likeable."
"Since mommy works full time, I always make myself dinner, and ma thinks I'm doing really well." Yes, you can tell by your incipient tummy.
"Doctor, how do you get my son thin again?" "Run over him once with a steamroller."
Ich liebe das Entsetzen, dass ihm ins Gesicht geschrieben ist, als ihm bewusst wird, was für einen riesig fetten Wanst er sich angefuttert hat.
Well fattened up.
I love the shock that is written on his face when he realizes what a huge fat belly he has accumulated.
At first, I was quite taken with the fact that my son spends the summer break working at Ferrero in Stadtallendorf.
Although I knew that you can not take sweets, but eat as much as you want there. I assumed that he would soon have this sweet stuff over.
Now I'm not so enthusiastic.
( My brother Hansel is already round as a ball.
I stuff him with food almost every hour.
He thinks I do this out of great love.
In fact, I soon put him in the oven.)
No wonder when he eats three portions! The other boys smile smirk at him contemptuously: How can one make oneself such a fattening pig?
Eigene Definition von Übergewicht:
„Ich bin nicht zu dick! Ich kann problemlos die Waage ablesen. Solange man die Anzeige noch ablesen kann, ist man auch nicht zu dick!“
Junge checkt seine neue Körperform nicht, die er sich, seit er in der Kantine arbeitet, angefressen hat.
You didn't want to believe it, but with me, all the school boys who worked here over the summer got bloated. As an employee, you can eat too much candy here for free.
Meine Eltern wollen mich auf eine Militärschule schicken, weil meine Noten so schlecht geworden sind. Aber sie haben nicht recherchiert:“
My parents want to send me to military school because my grades have gotten so bad. But they didn't do any investigation:"
"There is a maximum BMI there, otherwise you don't get in at all because the school puts a lot of emphasis on sports to recruit future recruits. Luckily, I have my grandma as an ally with whom I'm spending the summer. In the fall, I'll be way too fat for that military school."
"The school uniform won't fit you after this summer. You've gotten a little fuller figure. Not that it doesn't suit you. During puberty, the body changes. You are a little more well-fed now and have grown in stature. Don't worry my boy, maybe that will grow back. You are only 16 and a lot can still happen. I didn't mean to say you were full-figured, not at all, more like medium-figured."
The boy doesn't understand what his mother is trying to tell him, nor why his uniform from the previous school year shouldn't fit him anymore. After all, he hasn't grown an inch in height.
Anything but streamlined:
Cyclist on training break got fat and out of shape.
Plauze, Bowlingkugelpo und der erste Winkspeck an den Armen – Junge du bist jetzt offiziell fett!
"Well, as long as I still fit through the door frame ..."
Paunch, bowling ball butt and the first wink flab on the arms - boy you're officially fat now!
„Ich weiß, Oma meint es gut, aber achte auf dein Gewicht und du musst nicht alles aufessen, was Oma dir anbietet.“ „Was, ich soll auf mein Gewicht achten? Ich bin ein wachsender Junge und natürlich nehme ich zu. Ich werde mir von euch nicht die Ferien bei Oma miesmachen lassen.“
Er hat schon ein sichtbares Doppelkinn.
So schwer hat sie es nicht – Fett ist leichter als Muskelmasse.
Cream topping
It's not that heavy - fat is lighter than muscle mass.
This is what happens when you have booked all inclusive for three weeks. Now your tummy is not only brown but also quite puffed out.
Remember your first six pounds? Your pants were uncomfortably tight and you were worried about the little roll of fat that overflowed the waistband? You wanted to make an effort and get rid of them. Since then, of course, there have been lots of cold beers, feasts, and trips through the drive-through. How much total weight have you gained now, man? Forty kilos, fifty?
"You are suspected of being unlawfully grossly overweight. You have a right to be weighed and measured. If the suspicion is confirmed, you have the choice of being processed into fuel or meat."
Party potbelly
If you had danced more and drunk less, you wouldn't have risen like a yeast dumpling!
Er liebt die Kuchen hier – wie man sieht!
Bald kann er zur Bäckerei rollen.
Cake grave
He loves the cakes here - as you can see!
Soon he can roll to the bakery.
"Whew - I always have to eat so much to build mass. I've been gaining a lot of muscles!"
You've built up a plump ass in addition to the pudge tummy!
After graduating from high school, Chris had only enrolled in a few online courses at a distance learning university. Now, after almost a year of letting himself go, he was still in complete denial about his transformation. Not that he didn't notice that he could barely waddle to the fridge with any effort, let alone run 50 yards to the waiting bus. The girls had begun to ignore his advances. Snide comments and taunts from his buddies made him blush with embarrassment. But he couldn't face it; after all, he didn't necessarily have to leave the house and expose himself to the jibes anymore. He couldn't admit to himself that it was his own greedy gluttony that was practically forcing him onto the sofa. He felt humiliated; nineteen, soon to be twenty, with the self-control of a kid in a candy store. What grown man devours a large pizza as a snack, stuffs himself with chips and candy all the time? And for dessert with a dozen muffins or doughnuts? Just a spoiled lazy boy ... But he feared it was too late. He could almost hear the clock ticking ... because the more his stomach swelled, the bigger his appetite became. The longer Chris avoided taking responsibility for himself, the faster he puffed up.
Die schlanke Figur ist hinüber!
Die Jungs stellen gerade fest, dass ihr ständiges exzessives Bierpong spielen ihre Körper aufgedunsen hat.