Sonntag, 14. Mai 2023

overfed teenager

Als er erfuhr, dass er zu seiner Tante müsste, da seine Mutter für einen Job für ein Jahr ins Ausland geht, war er nicht gerade begeistert. Er befürchtete im Restaurant seiner Tante aushelfen zu müssen. Aber dies war gar nicht der Fall. Er muss nicht aushelfen, dafür darf er, da seine Tante keine Zeit hat extra für ihn zu kochen, immer im Restaurant essen, alles was er möchte, was er zunehmend genießt. Schon nach zwei Monaten sieht man deutlich die Folgen. Wenn seine Mutter zurück ist, wird er ein riesiger Fleischklops sein. 

When he was informed that he would have to go to his aunt's house because his mother was going abroad for a job for a year, he was not exactly thrilled. He was afraid he would have to help out at his aunt's restaurant. But this was not the case at all. He doesn't have to help out, instead, since his aunt doesn't have time to cook extra for him, he is always allowed to eat in the restaurant, anything he wants, which he increasingly enjoys. Already after two months one can clearly see the consequences. When his mother is back, he will be a huge meatball.

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