Montag, 5. Februar 2024

Er hat sie gemästet. 🐷

Drei Brüder urlaubten am Strand der Kannibalen.
Einer ließ sich von den Menschenfressern bezahlen,
und mästete seine beiden Brüder heimlich fett.
Das war clever aber ganz und gar nicht nett.
Er hat dann noch mit Interesse beobachtet,
wie seine dummen Brüder wurden geschlachtet. 

(Three brothers were vacationing on a cannibal beach.
One of them was paid by the man-eaters,
and secretly fattened up his two brothers.
That was clever, but not at all nice.
He then watched with interest
how his stupid brothers were slaughtered.)
Verses can not be translated

(Three brothers were vacationing on a cannibal beach.
One of them was paid by the man-eaters,
and secretly fattened up his two brothers.
That was clever, but not at all nice.
He then watched with interest
how his stupid brothers were slaughtered.)
Verses can not translate.

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